
Bluesky grows to 9M+ users

Comment,Bluesky keeps growing: The company announced that as of Friday morning, it had added 3 million new users, bringing its total user count to more than 9 million.,In other words, the social platform’s user base has grown by around 50 percent in the week or so since a Brazilian court banned X (formerly Twitter). The ban sent Bluesky to the top of the free iPhone app charts in Brazil, where it’s currently ranked number two, behind Meta’s competing app Threads.,In addition to sharing the latest user numbers, Bluesky also assured users old and new that video support is “coming soon.”,The platform started as a Twitter-backed initiative to create an open social protocol, but has since become an independent, venture-backed startup and fully opened to the public in February.,In an earlier post about growth, Bluesky said that 85% of its new users are Brazilian. Bringing on so many new users so quickly has led to occasional technical issues.

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Adnen Hamouda

Software and web developer, network engineer, and tech blogger passionate about exploring the latest technologies and sharing insights with the community.

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